In celebration of Scottish CND’s 60th anniversary, our exhibition ‘A Peace of History’ shares the rich heritage of the Scottish peace movement. You can browse the online version of our history timeline or view the artwork from our touring exhibition, designed by Andy Arthur. This website includes a gallery of photographs, posters and other archive material, video interviews and profiles of people and networks as well as Reports & Publications and a map of Atomic Scotland.
A Peace of History was made possible with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
News - 2021
A very interesting documentary WAR-ZONE 1982 made for Scottish CND 40 years ago.
"Produced in 1982 with the War Zone Tour Committee, War Zone was Red Star's second documentary for CND. It follows two women cyclists linking together the CND groups around Scotland. Each group tells its story of living and campaigning alongside the US and NATO bases strewn throughout the landscape".
News - 2020

'A Peace of History' attracted a lot of interest at many venues across Scotland in 2019, closing with a showing at Sumerlee Museum in Coatbridge. In early 2020 the exhibition will be on display in Edinburgh Libraries - see the touring exhibition calendar for more upcoming dates and venues
*UPDATE* Due to COVID19 we had to cancel our touring calendar, but please browse the online version and video interviews.
News - Aug 2019
'A Peace of History' will be on display in Lochgilphead, Troon, Helensburgh, Aberdeen & Coatbridge - see the touring exhibition calendar for more upcoming dates and venues
Please get in touch by email or call Scottish CND on 0141 357 1529 if you would like to host our exhibition 'Scotland: A Peace of History' in your school, library, museum etc. - the history timeline is 4 metres wide, and we can also supply a screen showing video interviews.
See our touring exhibition calendar below:Jun 2019
'A Peace of History' will be on display at Hillhead Library on Saturday 15th June 2019 from 11am until 5pm as part of Glasgow's West End Festival. There will be activities for the whole family including bin the bomb, badge making, temporary tattoos and our new game, net the nukes!
The exhibition will soon be in Rutherglen and at the 'Secret Bunker' in Fife.
Video Testimonies
As part of our 'Peace of History' touring exhibition you can watch these video interviews with people who have played a key role in Scotland's peace movement - includes contributions from Janet Fenton, Iona Hancock, Isobel Lindsay, Rob Nicolson, Brian Quail, Jill Saunderson and Lynn Jamieson.
Apr 2019
Our exhibition 'A Peace of History' will be on display in the main foyer of the City Chambers in George Square, Glasgow until 30th April 2019. Come and see the timeline, the map of 'Atomic Scotland' and accompanying archive photographs and posters. You can also watch the video which accompanies our exhibition.
Mar 2019
All welcome to celebrate 61 years of opposition to nuclear weapons in Scotland on Sunday 31st March 2019 at Glasgow Autonomous Space, Kilbirnie Street, G5 8JD - our exhibition 'A Peace of History' will be on display from 12-3pm.
Feb 2019
On Sunday 24th Feb 2019 at Barras Art and Design, our exhibition 'A Peace of History' will be on display from 11am-5pm. Come and see the 4 metre wide timeline and view our short film. Volunteers will be available to talk you through our history and show how you can get involved with Scottish CND. This event is free, child and dog friendly so bring the whole family.
Jan 2019
Thanks to everyone who attended our launch at the Mitchell Library, Glasgow on 15th Dec 2018 - a great event where many historical and future connections were made. On Jan 26th 2018 we also showed our exhibition at the Quaker Meeting House in Edinburgh - including a preview of our new video. Thanks to our fantastic staff and volunteers who assisted with both of these events!
Dec 2018
Scottish CND members, supporters and people from the wider Scottish Peace Movement are very welcome to attend the opening and view the exhibition on Saturday 15th December 2018. More information can be found on the Facebook event.
Launch Event: Sat 15 Dec 2018 12-4pm Mitchell Library, Glasgow
12:30pm - Informal opening ceremony with some brief speeches and some music
1pm-4pm - An opportunity to view the exhibition which celebrates the 60th anniversary of Scottish CND.
About SCND
The Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament was formed in 1958 and is the longest running peace organisation in Scotland. Our main activities include: advancing knowledge of nuclear weapons, informing the public about the implications of their use and campaigning for the abolition of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. We play a vital role in building peace and justice. We work closely with churches and faith groups, trade unions, academics, schools, politicians and other organisations to campaign and organise demonstrations against nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Disarmament
Key events in the exhibition show the progression of nuclear weaponry from the first ‘A-bomb’ to the multi-billion dollar global industry that exists today. We show how the weapons evolved not only technologically but also how possession of nuclear weapons progressed into a symbol of strength and status, coveted by powerful nations. Most importantly, we are showing the evolution of the Scottish peace movement, from a small number of interested parties, into a broad network of SCND branches, members, friends and affiliated groups, supporting each other’s efforts and collaborating on various projects across the country.
The last sixty years have seen countless peace-walks, demonstrations, fasts, petitions, blockades and rallies. These actions were taken with the aim of scrapping Polaris and then Trident. Many activists have written and published articles, books and poetry about the nuclear issue in Scotland. A countless number have spent time behind bars for taking direct action against nuclear weapons. We have been instrumental in the formation of several direct-action camps, most notably, the Faslane Peace Camp, which has been manned constantly with at least one anti-nuclear campaigner since 1982. Nukewatch representatives have appeared in the Scottish Parliament as part of their sustained effort to expose and resolve issues surrounding nuclear warhead convoys. We have seen Peace Education Scotland thrive; an educational charity that brings nuclear weapon education to schools across Scotland, as well as providing training opportunities for young people outside the classroom.
The Future
In 2017, the United Nations adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) which led to the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN ). Scottish CND and several other Scottish organisations are part of ICAN and played an active role in these developments. Delegates from Scottish CND were invited to Norway to celebrate the winning of the Nobel Peace Prize with ICAN partners in 2017. We continue to apply pressure on Holyrood to begin ratifying those parts of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons that they have the power to implement. The UN Treaty does not yet have the support of countries which have nuclear weapons, including the UK government, NATO members and other countries linked to American security policies. These countries have opposed the TPNW at every stage.
The 2017 Treaty, nevertheless offers fresh hope, new opportunity and the best chance of achieving world-wide nuclear disarmament. This will only happen if civil society continues to demand it.
Scottish CND, working with other organisations in the peace movement and wider Scottish society, will do everything it can to support ICAN's goal of full ratification and implementation of the Nuclear Ban Treaty.
Scottish CND believe that we must all take every opportunity to make Scotland, and the world, nuclear weapons free.